Fat Shaming or Fat Praising?

Okay. I know I’m going to have people who agree with me, and I absolutely anticipate those who will be angry that I’m even thinking about saying something like what I’m about to in this post. It’s okay. We all have our opinions. This is just mine… So, I saw this Buzzfeed article pop up […]

Disappearing Act … HI!

What?! Has it really been that long since I last blogged?! I AM SO SORRY! (You’re probably less upset…) So much for blogging every day, eh? But quality over quantity? Can I make that argument for myself on my own blog? Sure….sure I can. Because I said so. So, obvi, life has been crazy. And, […]

Series Sunday: BRAIN DUMP!

Am I allowed to turn ‘Series Sunday’ into ‘Brain Dump Sunday’? It isn’t as catchy sounding, maybs, but it’s a good start to the week…you know, to get all that crazy shit off your already-too-full brain holder. 1) I didn’t watch the Grammy’s tonight. I’ve been trying to turn on my TV less unless it’s […]

Weight: My Personal Struggle

Weight. It’s a heavy word for a lot of people. Pun pseudo intended. 😉 I think everyone has their own personal struggle with managing their weight. I think it’s especially touchy here in America, where magazines and television and ads tell us (directly and indirectly) how we should look and give many a false sense […]

The Most Random Facts EVER*

There is this meme going around Facebook-land where people give their friends a number and then said friends post that many random facts about themselves. That made me think, “Well, I don’t really care to do shiz like that on Facebook really, but since I’m blogging again, and the blogging is new (again), maybe I […]