I haven’t blogged in another week and a half. Because, quite frankly, a lot has been going on, and I’ve decided that unless I can stay positive, you don’t need the posts. Negativity can go crawl in a hole and die. So I’m here because I have #ALLTHETHINGS to talk to you about! 🙂 ONE) […]

Disappearing Act … HI!

What?! Has it really been that long since I last blogged?! I AM SO SORRY! (You’re probably less upset…) So much for blogging every day, eh? But quality over quantity? Can I make that argument for myself on my own blog? Sure….sure I can. Because I said so. So, obvi, life has been crazy. And, […]

Series Sunday: When I Ramble…Like Usual

I should totally be sleeping. And, really, I’m exhausted. But I’m to the point where I’m too exhausted. You know what I mean. Luckily this means you get Series Sunday (I haven’t slept, so this still counts!), as planned! 🙂 + Amber and I convinced each other to get off our asses and out of […]

Series Sunday: BRAIN DUMP!

Am I allowed to turn ‘Series Sunday’ into ‘Brain Dump Sunday’? It isn’t as catchy sounding, maybs, but it’s a good start to the week…you know, to get all that crazy shit off your already-too-full brain holder. 1) I didn’t watch the Grammy’s tonight. I’ve been trying to turn on my TV less unless it’s […]